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Test out our new Scramble Round Robin Format!

February 28, 2025
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Test out our new Scramble Round Robin Format!
pickleplay pickleball app

Test out our new Scramble Round Robin Format!

We want your feedback on a new Play Format! We’re excited to share a soft launch for a new play format now available on the PicklePlay app: Scramble Round Robin. This new play format offers a fun, easy way to play, keeping it competitive and easy to run in under 2 hours! 🏓

This is a soft launch. We encourage you to test out this new feature and welcome your feedback! If you experience any issues, you can report it by simply shaking your phone and following the prompts. We can't wait to hear what you think!

How it works:

Individuals sign up on their own, but play doubles format. Each round/match players get a new partner and new opponents. The registration process is simple. Players just need to click "join" once invited. Admins can even collect payment during the sign-up if they are one of our Club+ Members!

Players or admin can easily enter scores for each round from their phone. PicklePlay keeps track of the scores, ranks the players, and crowns a winner in the end! It's fun, EASY, competitive play.

Run the Scramble Round Robin Format with ease knowing PicklePlay is doing all the hard work for you! Save the headache of calculating wins, total points, and point differentials for each player.

And, it's so easy to set up and invite players! If you are creating this within a club or group, start in the club portal. For individual users, start at the home screen.

You can easily share a link or QR code for players to scan, which can be done as individuals on the home screen OR inside your club/group on PicklePlay! Ready to scramble your way to victory? Let’s dive in to some frequently asked questions.

PicklePlay Scramble Round Robin Format Image 2

What is the scoring format?

Admins can run any format (standard or rally scoring) but PicklePlay recommends to NOT win by 2. Most events run traditional scoring to 11, or rally scoring to 15. No win by 2 recommendation because PicklePlay calculates wins, total points scored, and the total point differential for each player. Winning by 2 could affect overall rankings if some matches go to a higher score.

What is a “Round”?

One Round = One Match

How are results calculated?

PicklePlay calculates results on the back end. Total wins, total points, & point differential are used to rank players in order and ultimately crown one winner at the end.

How many rounds are played?

It is a set play format dependent on how many players you have. See the chart below on total players, total courts needed, and total rounds. The max amount of rounds is 7. Every Scramble Round Robin is designed to be played and completed in 2 hours or less.

  • 4 players = 6 rounds = 1 court (1.5 hr)
  • 5 players = 4 rounds = 1 court (1 hr)
  • 8 players = 7 rounds = 2 courts (2 hrs)
  • 12 players = 6 rounds = 3 courts (1.5 hrs)
  • 16 players = 6 rounds = 4 courts (1.5 hrs)
  • 20 players = 6 rounds = 5 courts (1.5 hrs)
  • 24 players = 6 rounds = 6 courts (1.5 hrs)
  • 28 players = 6 rounds = 7 courts (1.5 hrs)
  • 32 players = 6 rounds = 8 courts (1.5 hrs)

*more odd player formats coming soon*

Can players enter scores or only admins?

Yes! Players can enter scores right from their cell phones and the admin can review before submitting final results and make changes to any of the matches. We recommend making an announcement before starting the scramble to only have 1 person per court enter the scores for their match to avoid user error.

Can my Scramble Round Robin results count for Verified UTR Rating Results?

YES! Players can choose UTR verified or non-verified play. The UTR Pickleball Rating (UTR-P) treats verified results and unverified results differently. Only results from third-party sources, such as USA Pickleball & APP count for a player's Verified UTR-P Rating. The Verified UTR-P rating maintains a strong, consistent accuracy and is not susceptible to results for unreliable sources.

During the creation process of the Scramble Round Robin, there is an option to have results count towards verified play and help build player’s UTR ratings. There is a player fee of $5 + $2.25 service fee for all UTR verified play.

This is collected during the sign up process directly from the players. PicklePlay Pro users get 1/2 off player fees which makes it only a $2.50 player fee + $2.25 service fee for all verified play! PicklePlay Pro is an optional in app upgrade for only $1.99/month or $19.99/year. Click here to see all the other great features of the Pro plan!

PicklePlay Scramble Round Robin Format Image 1

Can Clubs/Groups charge a registration fee to make money for events?

YES! One of the great benefits to our PicklePlay Club+ Subscription is that we help onboard your pickleball club/group and help connect your banking information through Stripe. This allows admins to collect payment for any type of event on PicklePlay and also run unlimited scrambles and round robins! Learn more about the Club+ Subscription here.

Save time hunting players down and trying to keep track of who has paid and who hasn’t. Running scrambles like this is a great way to generate revenue for your pickleball community.

Can I get a demo of this before trying?

Absolutely! Reach out to PicklePlay today and book your free demo call with our partnership expert, Skye, at

You can also watch this short video for help getting started:


With the soft launch of this new PicklePlay Scramble Round Robin Format, we’re excited to offer another unique and engaging experience for players of all levels to enhance their game and meet new players. We will continue to help our users create pickleball communities that thrive on fun and a little friendly competition.

So join a scramble and test it out. We can’t wait to see what you think of this new format on PicklePlay!

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